We put our new App PLU available for smartphones. This application allows you to learn at any time PLU items that can not be scanned.This application was developed for Lidl employees to enable them to learn PLU quickly and efficiently.methods:The mode "Learn" helps to learn PLU codes and names of items.The mode "Training" allows you to practice identifying articles and PLU. Here, two types of exercises exist:1. "Item Names" - in this mode, you must identify the name for the item pictured among six names proposed articles.2. "PLU code" - in this mode, you must identify the PLU article photo among 6 proposed PLU.The aim is to recognize the item picture and assign the corresponding PLU code.The goal of the mode "If test" is to check your knowledge of the PLU. It is in this mode to enter as soon as possible PLU 30 different items.